Oakley Sunglasses! A Global Brand That Defines The True Meaning Of “Vision”

Written by William Lezubski

It’s amazing that it has been 30 years sincerepparttar Oakley name has been introduced, and that this incredible brand of Oakley products originated from a man that started off with a line of motocross goggles back in 1980!

Oakley’s reputation has grown since then to berepparttar 146783 industry leader inrepparttar 146784 manufacturing of high-quality sunglass products. Their successful journey started with their first high-performance line of Eyeshades®, and branched off into numerous options of sunglasses including M Frames®, Zeros®, E Wires®, A Wires®, Eye Jackets®,Moons®,repparttar 146785 X-Metal®, series Mars®, Romeo®, Juliet®, andrepparttar 146786 introduction ofrepparttar 146787 eyewear called OVERTHETOP®!

The Oakley product line has since grown including prescription eyewear line, Oakley watches, Oakley clothing, footwear, and a wide range of accessories that will be touched on in another article.

Top Oakley Frames Are Designed For Purpose!

Oakley frame options are extremely extensive, so I won’t go intorepparttar 146788 features of every frame and lens they offer. What I have done though, is listed some of their top designs, and I will go into detail on how they will benefit you.

*M Frames: Forrepparttar 146789 person looking for some serious eyewear protection,repparttar 146790 Oakley M Frame® is classified as essential equipment forrepparttar 146791 extreme athlete! Consisting of features that include true Polaric Ellipsoid® geometry, whererepparttar 146792 lens is contoured in three dimensions to matchrepparttar 146793 curvature ofrepparttar 146794 eye. This patented technology provides you razor-sharp clarity at all angles of view, and you get complete protection againstrepparttar 146795 wind, sun, and side impact.

The M Frame® is ultra-lightweight and extremely comfortable, but don’t let this fool you into believing that they will not stand up to extensive abuse. These glasses exceed ANSI Industrial standards for high mass, and high-velocity impact protection!

Allrepparttar 146796 lenses are constructed of pure Plutonite®, which blocks 100% of allrepparttar 146797 UVA, UVB, UVC, and harmful blue light, offering incredible clarity atrepparttar 146798 highest level, andrepparttar 146799 lens options are removable and interchangeable to adapt to a variety of light conditions. The M Frame with hinges for a customized fit, andrepparttar 146800 Pro M Frame with a hingless design with subtle pressure and flexibility for a secure fit, also come with optional RX implants that are custom grounded to give you optimum corrective prescription optics.

Other frames to consider forrepparttar 146801 extreme water-sport buff isrepparttar 146802 Oakley lines includingrepparttar 146803 Oakley Water Jacket® with glare reduction, and vented lenses that combat against all elements onrepparttar 146804 water. This lens has a formulated hydrophobic coating that prevents water droplet build-up. These are great for athletes that like to play hard inrepparttar 146805 liquid playground!

What To Look For In A Home

Written by Nicole Soltau

Searching for justrepparttar right home can be very exciting. You may plan ahead forrepparttar 146660 number of bedrooms and bathrooms that you want. Or imagine preparing for dinner parties in a sun-filled kitchen. Although these things are important, there is more to a good home purchase thanrepparttar 146661 rooms it contains. Following are just a few suggestions to consider. Take some time to make a list and determine which additional priorities are important to you.

Surveyrepparttar 146662 neighborhood during many different times ofrepparttar 146663 day and days ofrepparttar 146664 week. Are you comfortable withrepparttar 146665 noise, activity levels, traffic volume, etc.?

If you have, or plan to have children, check withrepparttar 146666 local school board aboutrepparttar 146667 neighborhood schools. What isrepparttar 146668 student/teacher ratio? How arerepparttar 146669 test scores? How involved arerepparttar 146670 parents? What programs are available for students? What credentials and how much experience do teachers bring torepparttar 146671 task?

Isrepparttar 146672 foundation of your new home sound? Is it well built?

Arerepparttar 146673 existing appliances sound or will they need to be replaced?

Arerepparttar 146674 home's major systems such as electricity, plumbing, heating/air, and roofing in good condition?

Isrepparttar 146675 home energy efficient?

How much major and/or cosmetic work will be required?

What will your commute look like? If possible, do a trial run during rush hour.

What isrepparttar 146676 crime rate?

What permits have been issued for new projects and/or construction in your new neighborhood?

Will you be expected to pay homeowner association fees? Are you comfortable withrepparttar 146677 covenants set forth?

Doesrepparttar 146678 neighborhood provide sufficient recreational opportunities?

Will you be moving into a home or joining a community?

Isrepparttar 146679 local grocer clean and well-stocked?

Enlistrepparttar 146680 help of a good real estate agent, reputable home inspectors and others to help find a home with more than just a pretty face.

Beyond Mortgage Payments

Owning a home involves far more than keeping current with your mortgage payments. There are a number of costs associated with home ownership that extend far beyondrepparttar 146681 basics (i.e. principal, interest, taxes and insurance). Assuming responsibility for these costs can be a big financial adjustment. This is particularly true if, as a renter, you are accustomed to responding only to fixed expenses (i.e. rent) without much concern for variable expenses (i.e. broken pipes and new water heaters). Well, now you arerepparttar 146682 landlord and it is up to you to handlerepparttar 146683 mortgage, in addition to all ofrepparttar 146684 variable expenses of home ownership.

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